January 11, 2011



Well done and said. Thank you Jenne.
PS I glad a new entry popped up on your blog...


After walking in four straight 3-Days, I, too, "retired" but I'm still sorry to see you go! I loved your inspiring spirit, all the "dance parties", and everything else you brought to the 3-Day. THANK YOU!!!!

Team Breastaholics
San Diego

Ed Doehne

Lots of love and laughs go out to you Jenne, thank you for making our first year at the 3-Day so special. Ed Doehne


Lovely post. I'm glad I took a few minutes to read it; I love your perspective, your storytelling, your way of explaining things that there's no way to explain.

Lynn Colbert

Thanks for the memories! Aw'flly glad I met you, cheerio, and toodle-oo
And thank you so much.


I don't think you realize how easy it is to forget that cancer once took your spark -- and that of so many other people I've meet through the 3-Day.

Many thanks to you for being a shining example of how to get your spark back.

Sending best wishes in all of life's endeavors to you.

Julie Delio


Thank you Jenne, for all the old jokes told again and again, that still make me laugh even after 3 years. Than you for your spirit, your enthusiasm, your playfulness, and your somberness when it was needed.
Thank you for your love of the firefighters (yummy, yummy firefighters).

Thank you for being an amazing spokeswoman. You will be missed this year but I don't think for one second you will be forgotten.


It's funny you mention the "spark". It's always the way that we have described you. From your opening welcome to your silly camp jokes...you have always helped to give that little extra spark we all needed to keep walking..to keep laughing even when we just wanted to give up or just sit and cry. The 3 Day for the Cure has been an amazing event that has helped raise millions to fight the beast...but I hope you know that you have been a huge inspiration to millions yourself, you have inspired us all to keep moving forward. For many moving forward means leaving some behind...and as the one behind I will carry your inspiration on with me and do my best to pass it along. I wish you all the best in your life and I hope that we will see you on route at some point. Nothing beets a Jenne WOOO or a good puss face!
Much love and admiration,

Greg Hoffmann

And because you chose to share that spark, thousands have become lifelong members of the noble pink army that you've so gracefully led.

Thank you for your passion, your humor, your dance moves, and your friendship. And most of all, thank you for remembering...

Best to you and Steve,



Thank you so much for making the 3 Day Experience so great from Opening Ceremonies to Closing Ceremonies and every night at camp in between! You are an unbelievable spokeswoman who's spark has returned with vengeance!! Good luck to you and I'll miss you this year in San Francisco, my 6th (and never say final) Komen 3 Day Walk.

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