What is the Breast Cancer 3-Day?
The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 3 day, 60 mile walk that takes place in 12 cities across the U.S. Participants sign up to walk and commit to raising at least $2,200 in donations. On event, participants walk an average of 20 miles a day for three days, camp out and bond together in their commitment to do whatever it takes to end this disease. They raise millions of dollars and increase awareness while doing it and it is truly the furthest distance you can go in the fight against breast cancer.
If you had a TV camera on me or a mic in my face, I'd say pretty near exactly that. If we were having a beer together I'd say, 'Holy crap it's like the coolest event EVER!" Then I'd make big arm movements when I was telling you about it. And I'd nearly knock the pitcher over when I said, "You cannot believe how committed these people are! They are amazing! They raise buckets of money and they walk their freaking toes off…and they smile about it…and also let's order some wings!"
If you want the nitty gritty on the 3-Day go here for a FAQ.
Why do people do it?
People do it because there is goodness and light in this messed up world.
They do it because they refuse to sit by and watch while breast cancer systematically picks off their loved ones.
They do it because they have to.
They do it because Courtney, who walked in Atlanta this year, was diagnosed at age 28 with breast cancer after meeting and marrying the love of her life and had to have her eggs harvested and frozen before she went through treatment so that on the off chance she lived, they'd be able to try to have the family they've dreamed of.
They do it because Mary Ann, who walked in Michigan, lost her mom at the tender age of 13 when girls need their mothers the most and don't want to have to ask their dad to take them to buy tampons and shouldn't have to ask the neighbor to curl their hair for the prom.
They do it because Jeff, who walked in Seattle, finally met his soul mate after 43 years and knew it nearly immediately and grabbed her up and married her only to have her diagnosed, treated, and ripped from his arms and life a short 4 years later.
They do it because no sister should have to say goodbye to her best friend. Because no child should be without a parent. Because no parent should have to bury their child.
They do it because they are determined to live in a world without breast cancer.
Who benefits from the 3-Day?
The money goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and The National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. You can read more about those details here and here if you like.
But more than that, I think everyone who touches the 3-Day benefits from it.
It changes people.
How are you involved, Jenné?
I'm the National Spokesperson (or "National Spokesman" as I was referred to in the Atlanta Journal Constitution - clearly I need to wear bigger earrings on event. Or a push-up bra.). What that means is I get to travel to all 12 events this year. I kick off each event at the opening ceremonies. I walk and talk with the participants. I emcee the nightly camp show (which is crazy fantastic and also the most fun you can have sober … with blisters) and I close out the event at the closing ceremonies.
It's an amazing job. I am touched each weekend. It never gets old. It's exhausting. It's draining. It's emotionally, mentally and physically challenging. And it is so worth it.
Why do you care so much about this?
Seriously? Are you not paying attention?
What can I do?
Well of course I'm going to say to get involved. I'm going to tell you to do something, do ANYTHING to get involved. If you are in one of the 12 cities this year, go to a cheering station and cheer on the walkers as they pass by. If you are in one of the 14 cities where the 3-Day will be next year, then sign up. If you have more than a dollar, then donate it. If you need a way to donate then click here and go to my mom’s personal donation page because she’s walking the event in San Diego and still short of her goal. That's right. My MOM is walking 60 miles in San Diego in November! When she heard about it, she wanted to be involved. But no special treatment for her! She’s got to raise the money like the rest of them. Just because I’m the spokesperson doesn’t mean she can coast. And because of this, I finally feel the sweet revenge I’ve been seeking for years for when I was 12 and she wouldn’t take that box of candy bars to work and sell them for me when I was in Jr. High.
If you still need a reason to get involved, think of it this way - Do you know eight women? Eight women who mean something to you? maybe 8 women in your family…maybe eight friends…well, statistically one of them will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Wouldn't it be great if by the time that happens, we have a cure?
Especially if that one is you.
Momme is amazing! She's got my donation - wow!
PS: I am not a frequent commenter but I LOVE your blog. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Rita B. | October 17, 2007 at 09:25 AM
I just signed up for Seattle 2008!!
Posted by: Courtney House | October 17, 2007 at 10:06 AM
Jenne, I heard you speak in Boston in August when I walked with my niece Katie and best friend Natalie. It was the 4th walk for me and Katie and Natalie's 1st. Katie walked again this year in Michigan, and I'll be walking in San Diego (I hope to meet you in person and hopefully walk a few miles with your mom)! I've been reading your blog since Boston and all I have to say is.....YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you for your strength, your committment and your enthusiasm! I can't wait to see you in November.
Posted by: Lisa | October 17, 2007 at 07:32 PM
Jenne...thanks so much for marching for me & 2 of my sisters-in-law. We have contributed to our nephew who is walking for us in San Diego.
Your spirit is an inspiration to us all.
Posted by: Car[e Diem's Mom | October 18, 2007 at 02:58 PM
Jenne...thanks so much for marching for me & 2 of my sisters-in-law. We have contributed to our nephew who is walking for us in San Diego.
Your spirit is an inspiration to us all.
Posted by: Carpe Per Diem's Mom | October 18, 2007 at 02:59 PM
Dancin to your singing on the Midnight Train to GA last weekend is a memory my team of 10 will remember for a while. You have an infectious energy. Good luck on the house project, it's never a simple job.
Posted by: frances | October 18, 2007 at 08:47 PM
Jenne--I walked in Atlanta last weekend. I too am a fellow survivor (11 1/2 years). I was diagnosed at the ripe old age of 29. You totally made the 3-day for me! Your wacky, stream-of-consciousness humor reminds me a lot of Ellen Degeneres. Thanks so much for being the Spokes "person" for the 3-Day. You ROCK!!!
Posted by: Kathy | October 19, 2007 at 12:38 PM
You are a treasure! Thank you for all that you did to make the Atlanta 3-Day fantastic! You made us laugh, cry, think, dream, believe...and of course, DANCE! My team and I sincerely appreciate everything you did to make the event so special.
Please know that you really made a difference,and that you helped us create lasting memories...and the desire to come back for year five!
Thank you!
Posted by: Carolyn Parks | October 21, 2007 at 08:35 PM
Jenne- My team and I walked all 60 miles in Atlanta. This is my 2nd yr and their first. My mom is an 18 yr survivor and one of the girls on my team lost her mother 13 yrs ago. So I am the blessed one. I walk this walk to say thank you to the ones who came before me and did something in order for my mom to survive. It is the least I can do. My mother got to see my wedding and my son come into this world. My friends did not.
When you arrived at opening ceremonies you asked us if we were crazy for being the first ones there in front of the stage in the freezing cold? Although from reading your blog I know that given the chance you would have been right there fighting for our spot. You are a hero an inspiration! I am proud to have met you and look forward to seeing you next year.
P.S. Thanks for being honest and telling us lunch was just around the corner in real people terms not 3day terms. I don't think I would have had the energy to hunt you down as I promised!!!!
Posted by: Leah Pugh | October 23, 2007 at 02:49 PM
You are an inspiration, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing so much fun to the 3-Day events! I just finished walking in the Philly 3-Day event for the 2nd year in a row, and unbelievably it gets better each year.
I hope you bring High 5 with you to each event because there's nothing quite like a Woo! and a High 5! to keep you walking when you feel exhausted and cold - it was freezing this year!
Stay healthy & I'll see you next year at an event or two. By the way, you have an Ellen sense of humor in case no one has told you before - that's a good thing!
Posted by: Ginny Perrine-Wilson | October 21, 2008 at 08:17 AM