As you remember, I had cancer.
When I did, I shaved my head prior to all my hair jumping scalp.
I videoed the experience – it was fun … we thought it was going to be sad. It wasn’t. It was liberating.
At the time, I had no idea how to post videos to my blog.
I uploaded the video to YouTube hoping to figure out how to link to it or something.
Eventually (in about 3 minutes) I gave up and posted pictures instead.
Okay then.
However, the video stayed out there. I entitled it “Jenne shaves her head”.
It was viewed more than 5000 times in the first seven days.
It has now been seen 97,890 times.
Some people actually comment after they’ve viewed it.
When this happens, I get an email letting me know I have a new comment.
Sometimes I go check to see what the comments say.
More often, I don’t.
A few months back I had to delete a comment.
And not just because the commenter dropped the f-bomb.
But because he dropped the f-bomb AND misspelled it.
And then used it in its verb form.
Last Monday I got an email telling me there was a new comment.
Last Tuesday I got another email.
Monday’s commenter wants me to know I’m an “atention whor”
Tuesday’s commenter wants Monday’s commenter to “stop frontin”
I like YouTube. I really do. But I worry. I worry that intelligent life from another planet is going to intercept all of this and assume this is an accurate slice of our society and then give up on us completely.
And that would be a shame, because I look really good with my head shaved and ALL the female aliens I’ve ever seen also have their heads shaved and I think we could really get along.
But that’s just me. What do I know? atention whor that I am.
LOL. I was thinking similar things about Twitter (among others) recently. Makes me think about one of my favorite HL Mencken quotes, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Online is no exception. Sigh.
Posted by: Wendy | June 04, 2007 at 09:26 AM