June 06, 2007


Beth B.

This reminds me of The Voice of Truth..a great song.


And the Hub designs a pretty cool shirt, too.

Big Sandwich

How come that voice is never there after I have had a couple drinks...you can't fit that whole orange in your mouth...you can't talk louder than everyone at the table.

I could go on but the voice won't let me. Stupid voice only there when I don't need you.

Love the new banner, oh yeah, thanks for being one of the voices that thinks I can fit the whole orange in my mouth.


I know that Voice. Today, I really do. I think I'm heading out to buy earplugs. Want some?

The Hub

YOU'RE a girl! :P


When I was a kid I was a really fast runner because I had to keep up with my 6'2" father.

During our last marathon I waited 2.5 hours for him to cross the finish line after me. He took himself and his CLL and ran 26.2 miles and every step is a victory.

For some the 400 yard dash is their victory and I applaud every athlete that steps into their training shoes.

We live for you cheers too. That's a secret so few of us will tell, we love your cheers. Please don't stop.


My Dad was a big fan of Dr Norman Vincent Peal and the Power of POsitive Thinking. I can remember listing to his broacasts on WOR growing up. I loved his voice, he reminded me of my Grandfather...very loving.

Once when I was 6 or 7 we treked up to New York City to listen to him give a Sermon in his church. I dont remember what he said, but I do remember the dark wood and the plush pews...and the tiny old man crouched behind the Pulpit....

air jordan 11

The new post of your blog is very brilliant!I enjoys your blog quite a lot and at the same time, I had learned a lot from YOU. Today is monday. WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAPPY AND HEALTH!

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