Years ago while on a camping trip with my sister, the weather turned cold. So cold, in fact, we began dressing inside our sleeping bags in the mornings. The results were iffy at best. One morning her shirt was on inside out. One morning my pants were backwards – drawstring hanging like a tail. You’d think successfully pulling on boots would be easy. You’d be wrong.
Turns out changing in such a tight space was nearly impossible.
As a leader, it is your job to see the changes others need to and can make. Sometimes, because you can clearly see the needed change in behavior patterns, company direction, or client mindset you may become impatient and insistent. You may clamp down, force the issue and demand progress. It may work for the short term, but expecting a lasting, effective change under such conditions is absurd.
People need space and time to change. You didn’t get where you are overnight. They won’t get where they need to be overnight either.
Give it some room.
Ripped shamelessly from the pages of 60-Second Insights, an occasional newsletter of JennéInk