Is there any thing that you could be best in the world at? How about writing sentences that end in prepositions? I think I could kill at that.
During the Olympics I asked what you could Gold in. But I'm not talking sports ... not necessarily. I'm talking anything. We spend so much time thinking about what we don't do well and what we need to improve but is there a skill you have that you could reasonably be considered The Best? Or is there a skill you could develop and be The Best In The World?
Steakbellie likes to eat. I mean he REALLY likes to eat. The Husband and I have talked about it and I've often wondered if it is because he has the chance to be The Best at it. I mean with some work (and a lot of oatmeal) he could Win a competition designed to determine who really is the best. That's exciting. And really, after you've passed your 20s, there isn't much out there that you could excel at is there?
Here are some things I've thought about for myself:
-Listening. I think I could at least be World Class if not Best In the World.
-Step-Momming. I'm good at that. From all angles. I think I could win in a competition. I know I could easily get to the finals. The interview process would be a snap and the fact that I know my kid's mom's ovulatory cycles would be a real bonus I think.
-Thinking. I'm not exactly sure how you would measure this one but I'm a phenomenal thinker. That's not to say that I'm phenomenally smart or that I come up with phenomenal input after I've been thinking but I really like to think. I like to ponder. I like to contemplate. I don't think we do enough thinking in our world today. Success is measured on activity and sometimes noise. Doers are rewarded - at least in the short term. Thinkers on the other hand ... well, let's put it this way: If you walked down the hall at work today and passed a direct report of yours sitting in his or her office with his or her hands folder and staring up at the corner of the ceiling and you said "What are you doing?" and he or she said "I'm thinking." What would your initial response be?
-Explaining. I'm good at explaining. But I'm not sure I could be the best.
In high school I was voted best dancer but I think I topped out on that one early. I was also voted funniest which I always have cherished. I like being funny. But I don't think I could win a funny contest. I'm rarely funny on purpose. And I have to be careful with my funny - I can get sarcastic and mean just like that.
I'm sure there must be some skill I could hone and develop. Like tree planting, blacksmithing or whisking but I really can't think of one that appeals to me. So there are my three Listening, Step-momming and Thinking. That's not bad.