I'm cooking an artichoke for the first time right now. I'm so confused. I'm trying hard to add some veggies to my diet since I hardly eat any and I thought this would be a good one. Whatever. What a silly vegetable. It poked me twice and I have no idea how to tell when it is done. I'm hoping it will call out "I'm finished!" when it's ready but I doubt it.
Oprah is on right now and she's talking about women who have let themselves go. I'm sitting here in my workout pants, my husband's zip-up sweat jacket and a multi-colored knit scarf. I also have a pimple on my forehead so big I've been working in a shadow all day. Wonder who she's talking about.
I don't know what we'll hand out for Halloween this year. Seems to me like trick-or-treaters are getting bigger and more aggressive every year. There was a group of older kids last year that showed up dressed in normal clothes - at least what they consider normal. They did have big pillowcases and held them open when I came to the door. I wasn't sure if they were trick-or-treating or I was getting mugged. We turned off the porch light after that and hovered at the dark window.
I'm half tempted to toss the 'choke at someone this year.